Watch with us, ride the neon dream. Lyrics.

Watch with us, ride the neon dream2

(Verse 1) In the glow of the screen, we gather tight, A sacred ritual in the dead of night. Screams and whispers, the scenes unfurl, In the den of the otaku, the banners whirl.

The subs fly fast, a visual feast, On blood and honor, our eyes do feast. One among us, the outsider stands, A blank stare with uninitiated hands.

(Chorus) Watch with us, ride the neon dream, Synchronize with the subbed scream. DEATH WEEB’s decree, don’t be so tame, If you can’t keep up, you’re the one to blame!

(Verse 2) The plot twists deep, emotions rage, Characters battling from page to page. Homies all in, the feeling’s right, Save for one, lost in the fight.

His eyes can’t catch, the pace too wild, The spirit of anime, un-reconciled. A vibe so heavy, a sacred stream, But he’s adrift, outside the team.

(Chorus) Watch with us, ride the neon dream, Synchronize with the subbed scream. DEATH WEEB’s decree, don’t be so tame, If you can’t keep up, you’re the one to blame!

(Bridge) Shadows cast from the TV’s light, We howl and cheer for each plight. Yet he sits silent, missing the clues, In the realm of gods, he’s got no views.

Guitar solo (anime theme interlude)

(Verse 3) So raise your fists, join the lore, Feel the pulse of the bass, the roar. A chain unbroken, except for one link, Who watches, unblinking, unable to sync.

Don’t be that one, don’t be that lame, Embrace the madness, fuel the flame. For anime’s heart beats wild and free, Forever we are, DEATH WEEB, you see!

(Chorus) Watch with us, ride the neon dream, Synchronize with the subbed scream. DEATH WEEB’s decree, don’t be so tame, If you can’t keep up, you’re the one to blame!

(Outro) In the circle of friends, in the otaku’s lair, Be one with the story, show that you care. For the homie who can’t, we scream and we plea, Wake up, tune in, or you’ll never be free!

(End) With the final scene’s close, the credits will crawl, A true DEATH WEEB stands tall through it all. So let the unworthy find the door, This sacred temple has room for one less, not more.

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